Thursday, March 27, 2008

It's getting funnier day after day..

Something funny in newspaper today...
I just don't understand these people.. the village chiefs in Perak to put resign letters to the MB because they believe they will be sacked by the Perak MB if they don't do so.. because they believe they have been elected by the previous government in their capacity as UMNO members.
Logically, the village chief is part of the state's administration structure. It should have nothing to do with party or political influence. Unless if the government misused their power and only elect those from the party to be the village chief!

On other ocassion...
my colleague told me that the electricity business in Malaysia should be an open market to increase the productivity. I said "yes, I agree, if only the defination of "open market" is redefined." But the definition of "open market" in Malaysia means it is only "open" to some people and "close" to some other.. Is that considered as open market? Our company has no control over the price of fuel or price of tariff, be it the distribution or generation tariff. Everything is governed by the government and influenced by political interest and politician's interest, heh?
I totally disagree if people keep on blaming my company as being monopoly, rejecting the open market system, and not productive. The real fact is, we are not given an appropriate weapon and are asked to go to the war and win! And the worst still is, the enemy could be created by government itself, whoever it may be.

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